Frankie Davis
Frankie is no stranger to competition. Prior to taekwondo, Frankiegrew up as a two-sport athlete in football and track and field throughout highschool. In track and field, he reached the collegiate level running the 400meters and 400 hurdles at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. After joiningthe military, he also played on three semiprofessional football teams beforebeing stationed in South Korea where his taekwondo journey began. Frankietrained under Grand Master Lee Juong Hak and obtained his 1st Dan in 2010. Hisdesire for competition lead him to All Army Sports where he was exposed tocompetitive Olympic sparring. Under Head Coach Kevin Williams, Frankie competedin 3 All Army Championships, 2 National Championships and 2 CSIM World MilitaryChampionships.
Frankie also served 10 years in the US Army as a military policeofficer. Spending his time at Fort Drum, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Hood, Camp RedCloud and Fort Polk. He’s served in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan. Frankie loves to share his experiences withstudents. He enjoys and is passionate about helping children, adults, andfamilies grow healthier, stronger, more focused & more confident.
“At HC Taekwondoproviding high quality training means more than training just technical skills.Training at The Houston Center for Taekwondo includes character development andleadership skills, such as cooperation, respect, self-control, focus, andconfidence, which are essential elements of truly learning Taekwondo.”